One Touch from God
- In Exodus 20, the Bible tells us about the word being written in the heart. We need to examine ourselves whether we are really touched by Jesus.Conviction comes along with revelation of the WORD, and along with conviction comes a change in our lives.This change in our lives is visible and evident to those around us and is a positive indication that the Spirit of God is at work in us.No matter what one has been through, we need to remember that the mercies of God are renewed every morning. We become a new creation when we are convicted. Nothing can stop us from being the person that God wants us to be.Our old hypocritical life is washed away and we are renewed. God looks at us and sees Jesus. Once we are born again, we get a passion to save the lost. We need to lose ourselves in the service of others.
One touch from the King changes everything in our lives. An incident is narrated in Luke chapter 7. Jesus and His disciples were going to a city called Nain. A large crowd followed them. There was another crowd coming out of the city – a funeral of a widow’s only son. So, there were two crowds – one going into the city that was led by Jesus and the other coming out of the city carrying a dead man. One crowd looking at Jesus and the other in a dead situation. Jesus had compassion, draws close, touches the open coffin and the dead man is raised to life.
You may be in such a situation. When God gets into that dead situation with you, the outcome is always going to be different. One touch from the Lord and the change happens! Jesus is not the One who condemns but One who will always provide a way out. That’s what we need – one touch from the Lord Jesus.
Give the Lord Jesus an opportunity to touch your life in your situation. The situation may be a dead one – like the case of the widow. There was nothing that the crowd could do to help the widow. There are times like this when we are in hopeless situations. We ought not to hold on to anyone or anything not even, a string but, just Jesus. He will interfere with what the enemy is doing. He will certainly enter into your situation.
Another incident is mentioned in the Gospels – the woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years. She met many doctors and spent all she had. Instead becoming better, she grew worse. She knew she needed a touch from the Lord. Even a touch of His garments would do. She came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment and immediately, she felt healed in her body that she was healed of the flow.
Whatever difficult situation you may be in, let our Lord Jesus touch you!
This message was shared by Shawn Joao on 8th January 2017