Sunday morning is when the whole church family comes together to celebrate what God has done in our lives through Jesus Christ.
What to expect
Every weekend, at each of our services, you’ll experience a couple of things:
Going anywhere for the first time can be an intimidating experience, especially when that ‘anywhere’ is a new church.
And in case you were wondering, you don’t have to dress up or look a certain way. You don’t have to be any particular age. It doesn’t matter if you’re a poor or rich or where you’re at with God. You don’t have to pretend or put on face; You can just, be.
This is a place where God meets people who aren’t perfect, and no matter where you are on your personal spiritual journey, you are absolutely welcome here.
Here’s some answers to common questions you may have:
When are your services? Sundays at 9am and 11am (identical services), at River Of Life Church (ROLC), at 3rd floor Goa Chamber Building (GCCI), Opposite Azad Maidan, Panaji.
How should I dress? The way you feel most comfortable. At ROLC you will find folks wearing a range of styles, from formal through to very relaxed.
Do I need to bring anything? No. We encourage you to bring your Bible if you have one. Or, if you don’t, let us know and we would love to give you one as a gift.
Will I have to stand up and introduce myself? Nope. You will never be asked to introduce yourself to the whole church. We want you to relax and be our guest as you get to know who we are. The most important thing to us is that you get to meet Jesus Christ, who has changed our lives.
What happens after the service? There is always an opportunity for prayer, or to have your questions answered after the service. We encourage you to stick around and talk so that we can get to know you.