The Prophet Elijah & God’s Authority
- (1 Kings 17:1-24) These verses tell us about Elijah. The Bible does not mention about Elijah’s lineage or give any details about of his family. He just sort of, ‘appears’ in this passage to present himself before King Ahab. Yet, he made an impact as Jesus also refers to him (Matt 16:13) God wrought mighty miracles through Elijah yet, when Queen Jezebel, wife of King Ahab seeks to kill him, he flees for his life. The Bible tells us that ‘Elijah was a man just like us’ (James 5:17). If Elijah was a man ‘just like us’ then why ‘are we not like Elijah?’
- Stand in God’s presence like Elijah did: 1 Kings 17:1 (NIV) reads “Now Elijah the Tishbite in Gilead, said to Ahab, ‘As the LORD, The God of Israel lives, whom I serve,there will be neither dew nor rain in the next years except at my word”. The KJV translation has this phrase as ‘before whom I stand’ meaning ‘in whose presence I stand’. You must be a person who dwells in the presence of God as Elijah did in order to have such an authority. You will be confident – if God could use Elijah, He is the same God who is your God – He will use you, too. Do not try to do the work of the King without spending time with the King!
- Be open to hear HIS voice: When you spend time in His presence, you will surely hear Him. ‘Then the word of the LORD came to Elijah clearly’. (1 Kings 17:2). Elijah constantly heard the word of the LORD (1 Kings 17:2, 17:8, 18:1)
- Obey HIS voice: Elijah obeyed God. ‘So he did what the Lord had told him…’(1 Kings 17:3-5). And, the ravens him bread and meat as God had promised. But, Elijah had to go to the place where God told him to go before the ravens brought him food. Many of us do not go where God is telling us to go, but we want His promises. We want God’s promises to be fulfilled before we obey Him. You will receive the blessings of God only in that place where God has said He would bless you. Obedience brings a release of God’s power. Those who know who God is, will obey. Peter went to the lake and threw a line to catch the fish in whose mouth would be a coin to pay the temple tax (Matt. 17:27). He did it because he knew who Jesus was.
- Persevere, even if you do not see results. Now, the brook from which Elijah drank water, dried up (1 Kings 17:7). As asked by God, he goes to Zarephath to a widow’s house and learns that she is so impoverished that she has enough just enough flour and oil for a meal for her son and herself. But, Elijah persevered and God wrought a miracle – the bin of flour was not used up nor, the jar of oil ran dry (1 Kings 17:16). Later, the widow’s son dies from his sickness and she blames Elijah (v 18). Again, Elijah persevered and cried out to the LORD who revives the child. (v 20-21). And the widow proclaims “Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the LORD from your mouth is the truth” (v 24).
If you dwell in the presence of God, the world will acknowledge you just as the widow did.
This Word was shared on 2nd September by Wellington Gomes